Top things to do in Porto

Top things to do in Porto

Livraria Lello

Place of Interest

The company Lello & irmão, created in the end of the 19th century, decides to expand its business, which was mainly focused on culture and literature, and create a brand new place right at the beginning of the 20th century. By the hand of Francisco Xavier Neves the project was designed and built.

In 1906 was inaugurated the new a beautiful neo góthic building, the frontispiece was painted by José Bielman and the interior had a richful decoration, a singular stairway at the center and tainted glass on the ceiling with the company's motto, all of it contribues to now be known as one of the most beautiful in the world.

Who also was not indifferent to its beauty was the well-known author of the Harry Potter's novels, J K Rowling that let herself be inspired by the place when she was living in Porto and brought into her novels. Today it is one of the most visited places in the city.

In 2016 the bookstore was restored and took the opportunity to use its space for another display of culture and art, bringing street artists to paint the siding and the ticket office, filling the the street crossing from the latter to the bookstore's door with words, which all and all created a rare cultural urban space.

  • Baixa - Vitória


Rua das Carmelitas, 144
4050-161 Porto

222 002 037


Place of Interest
Baixa - Vitória
Historic & Center